# Bonek Root User (boru) Boru is a minimalist tool to run commands with elevated privileges. A simple alternative to [Sudo](https://www.sudo.ws/sudo/) and [OpenDoas](https://github.com/Duncaen/OpenDoas). ### Manual Installation ``` $ git clone https://github.com/zKBTuran/boru | (or download the boru.tar file from here) $ cd boru # make # make install ``` After that, you are basically done. **If it doesn't work, you might have to change the configuration file. Which is in `/etc/boru.conf`, and set the group variable to the admin group you are in. If you don't know which group is it, you can check out `/etc/group`.** ### Manual Uninstallation ```# make uninstall``` ## Usage ```$ boru [command]``` ## Configuration This is the default configuration for boru: ``` group=wheel wrong_pw_sleep=1000 session_ttl=5 nopass=0 ``` Here is the meaning of these variables: **group**: The group of users that is allowed to execute boru. **wrong_pw_sleep**: The amount of milliseconds to sleep at a wrong password attempt. Must be a positive integer. Set to 0 to disable. **session_ttl**: The amount of minutes a session lasts. Must be a positive integer. Set to 0 to disable. **nopass**: Sets whether the boru will ask for password or not. Set to 0 to enable. ⚠️❗ ***Warning! This may cause a huge security hole in your system. This option is not recommended. Please do not use it if you have important data on your device.*** ❗⚠️